
hello world, here i come.

So the other day I was planning through what would be my ideal life when I'm older, you know, how many kids I would have, If I would be married, Where I would live and so on, but one question that was really important was; What do I want to do when I'm older?
I mean, yeah I'm in sixth form now and probably should have thought this through before taking my A level choices, I have changed my ideal job so many times though that I am confused by the whole situation.
To think I wanted to become a History teacher at one point and now look, I'm failing the subject.. ha!
I guess I really want to go into something to do with Media, I think like a film Producer or something similar would be pretty awesome but if I want to do something in the spotlight like that I am going to have to start opening up to the world, not just with my secrets and things but with my ideas because right now I hate my work being shared with students and other teachers etc.
So I'm hoping this website will help me boost my confidence and things, Just get me that one step further to being the person I want to be.

I know your all probably wondering who the hell I am, but introductions are a bit tedious after a while, I will leave you with a simple sentence including relevant facts and from that, I guess you'll know the rest through time.

My name is Naomi, I'm seventeen and incredibly small, I wear reading glasses and want more then anything to lose weight, My favorite band is Take That and my Idol is Lady Gaga. That is all.

Take care guys.

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