
early morning blog.

So I have a hamster ( her name is Jabba as she is fat) and what she does best is like to keep me awake all night so usually it takes me hours to get to sleep which is what happened last night. As it's a Friday, and the Easter Holidays I like to lie in bed until atleast mid day which my parents know of course but what do they decide to do at half past eight in the morning?
Have a screaming match at each other.
I wouldn't mind ( lies, i do mind) but they make it out to be something serious and in about ten minutes time they have made up again and I have just found out they were arguing about fish. Yes, FISH.
I mean, they could have at least argued over something more important like.. the end of the world or something but no, they argued about the two measly goldfish living in this puny tank of ours.
Nice one guys.

Talk to you all later once I am less grouchy :)

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