
opposites always attract.

So here it is, a big blog all about myself. I suppose I am going to sound immensely up myself and vain and whatever but, truth will out eh? :)


My name is Naomi.
Naomi Alice Morgan Matthews to be precise.
It's an awful name so i'm hoping one day to change it to just Alice.
I''m seventeen years old and I live in England. I'm not going to say where as I don't want a stalker, ha!
I have one older brother, one younger brother and a little sister.
In about two months I am going to become an Aunty.
I don't know who my real dad is and I don't wish to.
I live with my mum and my step dad.
I am more like my aunty then my mum.
I have naturally brown hair but i have dyed it so many times it's more of a dark brown.
I have blue eyes which I hate with a passion.
My nose is horrendous, when I have enough money I am having plastic surgery.
I want to lose weight desperately, I weight about 8 stone but yet hate what I see when I look in the mirror.
I am incredibly small, about 5ft 2 i think, hahah.
People say my lips are perfect.
I wear reading glasses which make me look intelligent.
I study Drama, Media, English Language and History.
I already have a B grade in Media and I am expecting a U in History. LOL.

I have a cat named Lando, a hamster named Jabba and three fish, Bubbles, Bling & Phooey.
I did not name the fish or the cat.
My favorite colour is green but I never wear it.
Some people say I have an American accent but considering I have never been there I don't see how.
I want to live in either New York, Sydney or anywhere in New Zealand.
I can't go a day without listening to music.
My favorite band is Take That.
And Lady Gaga is my favorite singer and idol.
I also love Cheryl Cole, Miley Cyrus and Simon Cowell.
Tim Burton is my favorite director.
Alan Rickman is my favorite actor.
Helena Bonham Carter is my favourite actress.
Along with Natalie Portman and Jen Anniston.
Harry Potter is the best thing in the world.
Much better then Twilight.
I am a Doctor Who nerd.
David Tennant will always be my Doctor.
My all time film is The Lion King.
I adore Disney.
I also love Alice In Wonderland.

I want to go to Lincoln for Uni.
I am addicted to watching Health TV shows..
I love acting.
I am a qualified dance choreographer.
I want two kids, a girl and a boy.
I drink a lot of milk.
And water.
I go through phases of favorite chocolate where I eat one type until it makes me sick.
At the moment it is M&M's.
I love Gossip Girl and One Tree Hill.

I will also one day marry Mark Owen.

23rd June 2009 was the best day of my life. ( I saw Take That in concert)
3rd June 2010 will be amazing. ( seeing Lady Gaga)

And the best till last.
I have two best friends, Stacey & Leah, these guys are my everything, i would be lost without them.
And secondly;
Billy Keable.
This is my boyfriend of 11 months and quite frankly, he is amazing.
27|04|09 <3

so i guess that is it really.
some links for you;


:) xxxx

early morning blog.

So I have a hamster ( her name is Jabba as she is fat) and what she does best is like to keep me awake all night so usually it takes me hours to get to sleep which is what happened last night. As it's a Friday, and the Easter Holidays I like to lie in bed until atleast mid day which my parents know of course but what do they decide to do at half past eight in the morning?
Have a screaming match at each other.
I wouldn't mind ( lies, i do mind) but they make it out to be something serious and in about ten minutes time they have made up again and I have just found out they were arguing about fish. Yes, FISH.
I mean, they could have at least argued over something more important like.. the end of the world or something but no, they argued about the two measly goldfish living in this puny tank of ours.
Nice one guys.

Talk to you all later once I am less grouchy :)


hello world, here i come.

So the other day I was planning through what would be my ideal life when I'm older, you know, how many kids I would have, If I would be married, Where I would live and so on, but one question that was really important was; What do I want to do when I'm older?
I mean, yeah I'm in sixth form now and probably should have thought this through before taking my A level choices, I have changed my ideal job so many times though that I am confused by the whole situation.
To think I wanted to become a History teacher at one point and now look, I'm failing the subject.. ha!
I guess I really want to go into something to do with Media, I think like a film Producer or something similar would be pretty awesome but if I want to do something in the spotlight like that I am going to have to start opening up to the world, not just with my secrets and things but with my ideas because right now I hate my work being shared with students and other teachers etc.
So I'm hoping this website will help me boost my confidence and things, Just get me that one step further to being the person I want to be.

I know your all probably wondering who the hell I am, but introductions are a bit tedious after a while, I will leave you with a simple sentence including relevant facts and from that, I guess you'll know the rest through time.

My name is Naomi, I'm seventeen and incredibly small, I wear reading glasses and want more then anything to lose weight, My favorite band is Take That and my Idol is Lady Gaga. That is all.

Take care guys.